The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume III



No. 1446 1839 Sept. 12, M. SOULT, DUO DE DALMATIE, PARIS, [FRANCE], TO [J.J HAnIILTON, LONDON, [ENGLAND] 71 Translation- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Cabinet.- Paris September 12th 1839.- General- I have received the confidential letter 72 which you did me the honor of addressing me on the 8th of this month, at the moment of your departure for London.- The promise, that you are good enough to make me, to employ, on your return to Texas, your good offices and your credit in obtain- ing for the French commerce, more considerable advantages than those which have been stipulated for, in the Treaty of Commerce which I am upon the eve of signing with General Henderson, is particularl) agreeable to me.- I am convinced as well as you, General, that measures of this sort, would be as profitable to the Texian interests as to ours, and if I have not more insisted with General Henderson that they should be for- mally stipulated for in our treaty of Commerce, it is from a feeling of courtesy and moderation which, I hope will be appreciated by the Texian Government, and which ought to be, I think, a conclusive motive to grant us willingly all the advantages which depend upon it.- You have been able to convince yourself, General, of the goodwill of the King's Government, with regard to the new Republic of Texas, and you may depend, as I have had· the honor of personally assuring you, it will facilitate, if necessary, the negociation for the Loan which you are charged to make in the name of this Republic.- Pray receive, General, the assurance of the very distinguished consideration, with which I have the honor to be,

Your very humble and very obedient sert- Me. duke of Dalmatia

Gen. Hamilton London- [Endorsed]

Duke of Dalmatia Sep. 12. 1839

"English translation. "No. 1445.

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