The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume III



No. 1445 1839 Sept. 8, J. HAMILTON, PARIS, [FRANCE], TO M. [SOULT, DUO DE DALMATIE, PARIS, FRANCE]7° (Private & Confidential) P.aris Sept. 8th 1839- Monsieur le Marechal, I cannout leave Paris, even for a few weeks, without ex- pressing my deep sense of gratitude to your Excellency, not alone, for the very kind and distinguished personal attentions you have shown me, but for your favorable dispositions towards the new Republic of Texas in the Fortunes of which I have taken and feel so deep an interest- Altho' Genl Henderson, acting with a wise precaution, has been unable to stipulate for greater advantages for the commerce of France than tho[s]c which appear in the face of the Treaty, and altho: my relation towards the negotiation has been of a private character (notwithstanding my public credentials which, out of delicacy to Genl Henderson, I have forborne to present) nevertheless on my arrival in Texas, which will be duril).g the ensuing session of the Congress, I shall endeavour to have all the duties most essentially reduced on those articles of import in which the Industry of France will be essentially benefited & which I am sure will greatly augment the friendly relations destined to subsist between the two Countries, whilst the immediate interests of Texas will not be the less promoted.- As the President of Texas, Genl Lamar, is a decided ad- vocate of Free Trade, I feel well assured that I shall be able, privately, to accomplish more than Genl Henderson has been able to grant by Treaty and Stipulations.- Your Excellency has been so kind as to say that the Government, would aid me, in France, in _the negotiation of the Loan which the Republic of Texas has entrusted to me, by their good word and patronage- when my colleague and myself shall be ready to bring forward this measure I shall be quite happy to avail myself of your friendly offer- I have only to assure you that your Government by bringing forward this security in France will be rendering a very profitable benefit to your own Citizens, as the Republic of Texas can afford to pay a· high rate of interest, whilst the immense mine of national wealth, which that government possesses, in its public domain, gives the most perfect security for the certain redemption of any ob- ligations she may contract- In conclusion allow me to assure you of the pride & gratification it will afford to the People of Texas that their recognition •should have been made by your wise and illustrious King, under the administration of a Minister of Foreign affairs whose private worth and great public renown are known to the people of North America- I have the honor to remain,

Monsieur le Marechal, with great

consideration- Your obt Sert- J. Hamilton


J. Hamilton

Sep. 8. '39

·"L. ·S.

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