No. 1440 1839, Sept. 5, T. R. STIFF V. l\I. B. LAl\IAR, HOUSTON, TEX-AS. 63 REPUBLIC OF TEXAS, ) DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF Harrisburg ) Fall term, 1839 TO THE SHERIFF OF Said County---GREETING: YOU are hereby Commanded to Summon----------- Mirabeau B Lamar if to be found in your County, to be and appear at the District Court, to be holden in and for the County aforesaid, at the COURT HOUSE thereof, in the City of Houston on the first Monday in December next, then and there to answer the Petition of Thomas R Stiff exhibited against him, a copy of which is hereto annexed, HEREIN fail not under the penalty of the Law, and have you then there this Writ. Witness, the Hon. H. lV. Fontaine Judge. of the second Judicial District Issued the fifth day of September 1839
Given under my hand and Seal of the Court, at Office in the City of Houston this fifth day of September 1839
(S S)
James S Holman [Clerk] Dpy [Olk ]
By John V Cowling
DC H [C.] I certify the foregoing is a true copy of the original by me Houston Sept 5th 1839 John H Moore Shff By J as. K Brown 64 Dpy Shff [rubric] Republic of Texas ) To the Hon H. W Fontaine Judge of the County of Harrisburgh) District Court in for the Second Judic(ial) District Your petitioner Thomas R Stiff of the County of Harrisbrgh, humbly complaining represe[nt] unto your Honor that one l\Iirabeau B Lamar, of the Co[unty] of Harrisburg is indebted to your petitioner in the su[m of] four Hundred and thirty five dollars besides inter[est.] For that whereas heretofore to wit on the tenth day of [ ,] in the year 1838 and at divers times thereafter peti- tioner furnished and supplied the said l\I B La [mar] with board for himself and servants and others, also furnished and provided at sundry times the meats an[d] wines necessary for supplying Cabinet dinners all of which doth more fully and at large appear by particular account hereunto annexed. And your petitioner in fact saith that all these
03 Printed form filled in. Copy. "A. S.
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