Robins Fery April 27th 1836
Genral S. Huston Dear Sir
We are in camp at this place and have heard of your vicktory over the enimy and Lhink we can return to our homes in a short time there has been some arivales of troops Judge Quitman 28 men Capt Smith with many horses and some mules most of the horses belonging to pore famileys and they are left will.:!_out my opinion is you had best Isue some Genral order on the subject of impressment there was a company under Capt Boin most of which was citisons all have gone to join you 2 other companys have arivn here and I am detained yet as the Captin intends to recross the river with his force and 80 men across the Trinity in a boat stating that you would cross the Trinity and he would be of servise in being certain the mexicans and the f amileys on there march to the red lands country and we as citisons was compeld to refuse the captins the use of the boate and this day some of the company makes a start to join you but change in officers from Ratlef to Moffitt [?) and making confident that they will be done I furnish them with a good pack horse and spanish sadel and make no publick charge the other capt is Chesur he has 30 men and when he will leave there is no teling I am informed by the yong men they have been a month coming 90 miles I am informed there will be other companys of volunteers from the united states Genral Thos Hinds [illegible] that he wold raise 500 men and come on to aid Texas and I lern there is no supplies on this road for the use volunteers I wold recommend that you apoint some officers to collect provisions and other sundrys for the comfort of troops coming to our aid perhaps it wold be best if you could send some officer to muster the men in to service and order them to march with out delay to any pint you shold direct from all accounts the famileys is mutch more fritened east than on western points Maj Digges is here and as yet has not been of any service but seems well disposed to do from this point to Col Grous there is no corn on the road but on boath sides of the road there is corn and perhaps in the hands of pore peopel and there wold have to be some money imploid to purchase it there is plenty of beef and there shuld be salt put on the road and dried beef kept at the stages on Lhis road I hope you can in a short time organise the hole country but I must confess there is bad malease to you [illegible] for on this trip there has been mutch used and but
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