that although a few of our brave volunteers, have proved martyrs to the cause, and have been cowardly butchered by ten times their force, after having exhausted all means of defence,-the day of retribution is near. Tell them that there are yet in Texas, spirits that will nol yield but with their lives. Tell them, also, that every inducement is now offered lo chivalrous spirits Lo repair to the field of the Texas army, & Tell them that victory is as certain, as that, the darkest night is succeeded by Lhe brightest morning. And Sir if you should succeed in inducing more of our brave countrymen, to join our cause tell them that congenial souls with open arms and hearts are ready to receive them, And Lhal success may attend your efforts you have Lhe best wishes of your,
obt & hum servt Edward Hall agt
Adjutant General's Office, Washington, April 27, 1836.
Sir: I respectfully enclose, herewith, copies of my communications of yesterday's date to the commanding officers of the squadrons of dragoons stationed at Forts Leavenworth and Gibson, by which you will see that these troops are to be held in readiness Lo join you on the western frontier of Louisiana, should you decide that the interest of the service would make it necessary for you to order them thither. With regard lo the Secretary of War's communication to you of the 26th instant, I am desired by him to say that he has omitted any special reference to the legionary brigade, commanded by General Planche, of the city of New Orleans, as his request to the Governor of Louisiana to call into service any portion of the militia you may deem necessary for the protection of the western frontiers of Louisiana includes the authority, and of course secures to you the aid of this legion, and of any other militia from the State of Louisiana you may require. Very respectfully, I am, sir, your obedient servant, R. Jones, Adjutant General. Maj. Gen. E. P. Gaines, com'g Western department, Fort Jesup; La.
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