[2895) [FORBES to HOUSTON]
Head Quarters of the Army Battle Ground
To Major Genl. Sam Houston Sir
Report having reached me prejudicial to my character and conduct as a Soldier and Gentleman during the action of the 21st inst. I beg leave most respectfully to ask a Court of Inquiry may be held at the earliest convenient time as to the truth or falsehood of them. 27 April 1836
Very Respectfully Your Obt. Svt. John Forbes Commissary Genl.
[Endorsed:] Col. Sherman presdt. "Millard Maj._Wells McNutt Captn. Teal
)) )) )) )) )) )) )) ))
this afternoon
Roman Kimbro Adjt. Rinsley Judge Advocate
['2896] [GREEN to FRIENDS]
On board Steamer Algonquin 27th April 1836
To the Friends of Texas
It is my pleasing task to inform the public that the cloud which for the last few days seemed to overhand this devoted Nation is dispelled - that the whole of those tales of Indian butchery and the distress of our Army have had their origin either in vilinous design or the fears of recreant cowards who wanted some excuse for flying. The latest intelligence direct from our army states that our commander in chief Genl. Sam Houston is well & securely posted and have nothing to fear from the enemy until assistance from the U. S. States can get to hand, & that his army is rapidly increasing.
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