Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

hall, lay clown their blankets, and face about: they did so, and were fired upon by the guards: that nearly every man in the division was killed by this fire- deponents, not being wounded, made their escape by running- the other three divisions were fired on at the same time- deponents do not know their fate- they think, however, that very few of the whole number of prisoners, amounting in all to about four hundred men, escaped- that Col. Fannin having been wounded in the hip, was left in the fort when they marched out, with Doctor Shackelford, Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Burnard, who were kept in the fort to attend the wounded of the enemy- that they learned from the enemy during the time they were prisoners that they had one hundred and ninety men killed and wounded in the battle and that their whole force consisted of about two thousand men. Deponents further state, that the Georgia battalion was taken prisoners near Dimille's landing, and brought into the fort the day before deponents division marched out: and were marched were marched out at the same time with the others, and which added to the number taken with Col. Fannin, made upwards of four hundred men; that Col. F. had about twenty-five men wounded, who were also left in the fort.

Zachariah S. Books, Wilson Simpson, and Dillard Cooper (X mark)

to and subscribed before me, Willaim Christy, at this 27th day of April, eighteen hundred and

Sworn New Orleans, thirty-six.

Wm. Christy, Notary Public.

[2894) (BRYAN to MITCHELL]

Received New Orleans April 27th 1836

from Andrew Mitchell one Small Brass Cannon in Store to be delivered to Col. J. W. E. Wallace or his order if called for-or delivered on Presentment of this Receipt Wm. Bryan per S. G.D. Swan


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