Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

for, addressed the meeting in a brief and appropriate speech. The resolutions were then unanimously adopted. The following gentlemen were appointed the Committee, viz:-John Ward, James B. Murray, John F. Sibell, Robert Emmel, John R. Livingston, Jun. Margan L. Smith, Thomas Davis, Joseph D. Beers, James R. Whiting, Joseph L. Joseph, Eli Hart, William C. Wales, R. C. Wetmore, Isaac L. Varian, Edward Curtis, and McDonald Fraser; to which were added the President, Vice Presidents and Secretaries of the meeting. Resolved, That ·the proceedings of this meeting be published in the daily papers of this city, and that a copy of them, signed by the officers of the meeting, be transmitted to the President and Congress of the State of Texas.

New-York, April 26, 1836.

(2889] [PERRY to PERRY]

[J. F. Perry, Galveston, Harbor on board S. B. Laura, to Emily Perry, April 26, 1836, concerning the building of a fort, the state of affairs at Velasco, and mentioning that "the S. B. Laura leaves here tomorrow for the army at Linches Ferry and I am going on it." States that John Rice Jones is at Galveston, on board the Flash, and that "the S. Flora from New Orleans arrived here yesterday loaded with munitions of war and provisions and 30 volinteers and Brings cheering news from that quarter S. M. Williams is arming the S. B. Ocien and is expected out next week with 500 men they also state ~here is a great many volinteers coming by land from one to 200. If all this be true there is still some hope for Texas but it is a dark day for us from what Capt Scott tells me . . . there was ninety men whent from here yesterday to Huston and I expect as many more will go today as you have no doubt hered that our army had a little Battle with the Mexicans. it is sayed they killed 40 and made them run 3 of our men only wounded."]


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