[2882) [HALL to HOUSTON]
Department of War Galveston April 26th, 1836 If you consider it inexpedient to risk an engagement with the enemy and consider a retreat inevitable from the position you now occupy, You are hereby ordered to march with the army under your command Lo the nearest and most convenient point to this Island giving information of the same lo this Department when transports wiU be sent forthwith to cross the troops to this Island.
Warren D. C. Hall Act. Sec. of War.
[On Reverse: l
Before resull of battle is known-orders the Com'r in Chf
to retreat to Galveston.
TO THE TROOPS AND PEOPLE OF THE EAST: EXPRESS. War Department, Head Quarters, Army, San Jacinto River, April 26, 1836. All the troops, on their march from the East, will report al Head Quarters as early as possible, marching by way of Harrisburg. For the present let all Lum out, the enemy have been badly defeated, and are retreating precipitately, for the purpose of concentrating. One bold push now will drive them entirely oul of the country, and secure liberty, independence and peace to Texas. Let all turn ou L; our Standard is a victorious one, and waves beautifully under the smiles of a benificent Providence. Signed, Thomas J. Rusk, Secretary of War. To The Bearer Of The Express. Present, Tell our friends all the news, and that we have beaten the enemy, killed 630, taken 570 prisoners. General Santa Anna and Cos taken, and 3 general standards; vast amount of property taken, and about l sqo stand of arms, many swords and one 9 pounder brass cannon. Tell them to come on and let the peo- ple plant corn. Signed, Samuel Houston, Commander in Chief
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