Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

Jose Maria Castro, 21; Rafael Arcunzia, Subtenientes - Joaquin Aguirre, 19; cadete Agustin Ganza 44, capellan. Heridos y enfermos Felipe Romero, primer ayudante congrade de tenienle coronel - Geronimo Colatayud, Agustin Sanchez, tenientes - Miguel Perres, Manuel Cosio, Rafael Castillo, Matel Peraza, subtenicntes - Total 40 oficiales. Es copia - Galveston 26 de mayo de 1836 - Jorge Fisher [2880) [FORBES to HOUSTON}

Battle Ground, Head Quarters of the Army. [April 26, 1836]

To Gen. Sam Houston:

Sir: - Reports having reached me, prejudicial to my character and conduct as a soldier and a gentleman, during the action of the 21st inst., I beg most respectfully to ask, a Court of Inquiry may be held at the earliest convenient time, as to the true, or falsehood of them. Yours respectfully, John Forbes, Commissary General. [2881) [FORSYTH to GOROSTIZA] Washington, April 26, 1836. Mr. Gorostiza has obviously not comprehended clearly the observations made to him by Mr. Forsyth on the 20th instant, or he would not have thought it necessary to make the extended reply which has been informally submitted. Mr. Gorostiza seems to take it for granted that General Gaines will be ordered to take a position in Texas, on territory known to be beyond the limits of the United States. By referring to the paper given to him at his request, Mr. Gorosliza will see that the expression is, "Should the troops of the Uniled States, in the performance of this duty, be advanced beyond the point Mexico might suppose was within the territory of the United Slates, the occupation of the position," &c.&c.


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