true limits marked) the disturbances m that region should cease-they being the only motive for il.
[Reply of the undersigned, Manuel Eduardo de Gorostiza, to the communication made to him, verbally, by Mr. Forsyth, in the conference between them held on the 20th of April, 1836, at the Department of State; of which conference he received a memorandum from the said Department on the 21st of the same month.] ln the conference of the 20th of April, Mr. Forsyth thought proper to communicate to the undersigned a certain measure which the American Government proposed to take respecting the affairs of Texas; and the undersigned, immediately considering that communication of great importance, frankly acknowledged his imperfect acquaintance with the English language, and requested Mr. Forsyth, with a view to prevent any misunderstanding on the part of the undersigned, to do him the honor to repeat to him in writing, and in form of a simple memorandum, what he had just communicated. Mr. Forsyth acceded to this request, with his accustomed politeness, and on the ensuing day sent to the undersigned the memorandum requested. From this memorandum, it appears that Mr. Forsyth stated to the undersigned at the said conference-• "That, in consequence of the contest in Texas, the movements of some citizens of the lJnited States on the Red river, and apprehended hostile intentions of the Indians in Mexico against the United States, and of the Indians within the United States against Mexico, orders would be given to General Gaines to take such a position with the troops of the United States as would eneable him to preserve the territory of the United States and of Mexico from lndian outrage, and the territory of the United States from any violation by the Mexicans, Texans, or Indians, during the disturbances unfortunately existing in that quarter. "That the troops of the United Stales would be ordered to protect the commissioners and surveyors of the two Governments, whenever they should meet to execule the instructions to be prepared under the treaty of limits between the United Slates and the United Mexican Stales.
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