Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

[illegiblcj and ornamental lorn down heaps of dirt and Slone ashes from the burning of Some wood breast works and wood and grass covered houses burnt holes through the wall wilh dead animals lieing about cannon balls & shot of ever discriplion thick on Lhe ground with the plastering shot of the outside of the walls of the houses we were in the Sides of houses winders doors and fences bore allmosl innumerable marks from the enimys guns 10 D he also Lold us that Coss lold his men Lhey had Kild 3 waggon loads of us he also said the officers in tend to select servants of us and hang or imprison in Mexico to dear chains for life lo Ballance on the day previous lo the attact we took a carrier than bore a reply to Ugalachear informing him the Rebles were in confusion wich was a fact lo come on and shear in Lhe Capture he had a eannonadeing with us the day in which he had Repulsed us with disgrace and lost a lot of the artiliry which was all a fact except the Repulsing with disgrace-- C 10 we spent our Lime in ,moying the enimy creeping up behind some brush fences and shot their Sentenals these they burnt of 30 or 40 of us would Ride Round town lake horses and prisoners. Some of them turn Lraiters Run the Mexicans in under their camion 10 C Continued [2865) [EDWARDS to GREEN] [B. W. Edwards to T. J. Green, April 25, 1836, accepting a commission as colonel "in the fourth Regiment of your Brigade."] [2866] [FILISOLA to TORNEL] [Vicente Filisola to Jose Maria Tomei, Mexico, April 25, 1836, announcing the defeat at San Jacinto and the capture of Santa Anna.]


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