rnexicans lost near 300 Kild and wounded his signal for a charge was a horn blown and a large bell Roung for a Retreat. from his situation with his glasses he was constantly in possession of a full knowledge of our Situation Henry B Dance Genl Austin sent a communication with Cenl Coss before the attack & got for reply if he sent another flag he would fire on it we were Rebels & he wld treat us as such & he observed all things wld be ready for us. C the Lieutenant that deserted and came Lo us informed us that Genl Coss being told that the Texians had been digin in the field in advance of their camps is it posible the Rebels are corning up out of hell after us the dich was to try the 12 pounder on the posts [?) we frequently amoused our selves by crouding on a canal wall to induce the Mexicans to shoot cannon balls at us falling down at the smoke of the flash then springing up after them as they bounded over the field. it would be in vain to attempt to discribe the dificulties we had to encounter traveling uninhabited camps through swamps, swimming rivers--living 3 or 4 days on Venison and bu faloe the distress situation of our Camps Dangers and Suffering~ almost unknown in civalized life those that Remained and took Sanantonio were generaly men that owned no land in the Country the offices, being closed for some time we were left almost without the means of subsistence to carry on the defence. on being asked why by some of the great men of the country who was leaving previous to the attack if I was going I observed it would stimulate the enimy and Ruin the count( r] y. He said if you Remain here you will be slaughtered or drove of in disgrace lo which I Replyd I will not be more disgraced than than [sic] those that leave before me, if you will publish this you will oblige meny that wish to se a full exposee the writer has an enven tory of the arms &c taken and other official documents which you can have by calling on him through your paper besides a general knowledge of the country having spent the last 6 months ther up to 20 march Texas has Sacraficed the blood of her Citizens her treasur yet she is destined to triumph from the conflict. I will shortly Return & see her through the Strugle if these facts be good enough to publish with any other Re[la] lions or Remarks you like A. North American Pioneer IO B after the surender every thing looked miserable the ...
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