Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

did nol cease firing 2 hours after after [sic] drove Lhem from their camp we now belived all danger was over and commenced Rambling aboul hunting Something for our selves and hor~es to eat we found plenty honey some beef and corn and turt1ers a bread made of boild corn ground on a stone by a weman we aJso found some cordials & wine all of which was eageraly sized by our army and our devouring [ ?] apatites we then slept sound Lhe Balance of the nighL in the morning of 11th every man went about his business some hunting horses no ashy faces now aJl a good humoured dirly long bearded set at 10 we were cald together formed in a Squar with Col Johnson in the cen Ler after addressing us in a very ca~did manner on the nalure of the treaty and of our unfit condition to carry on war without powder & Co-- he then Read the articles which you have no doubt Seen in Substance as follows Genl Coss & his army Surender as prisoners of war give us their commsions take an oalh never again to take up arms against the Republican principles of the federal constitu tion of 1824 & Coss binding himself to go on parol of honor to take the 400 convicts across the Rio Grande the BaJance permited to go with Lheir Genl. Remain or go where they pleas arms amunitions & inventoryes & and delivered to our commissioners on the 13. all private property delivered to its proper owners genl Coss to leave with the convicts in 6 days to take with him one 4 pounder and some small arms to protect themSelves Genl Berlison to fournish him with beef al the customarly price we were then dismissed and each captain ordered to take the vote of his company on the Ratification of the Cappitulation the Return was made in a few minutes with a smaJl majority for it wich caused some new troubles while we that voted for it was contented it was now signed by the 2 generals this being confirmed on both sides we was quite Rejoiced that Texas as desirable a country as ever faced the . . . [illegible) now clear of enimys we now had a splendid Spanish fandango a greataJe more mile be said but as I did not expect to publish the battle I cannot detail all the particulars I Served in the Second division under Capt Edwards him and his leutinent Carler merit greal praise for their bravery to much cannot be said in favor of the unfortunate Milam who managed with great judgement lo him Texas owes her Independence and the praise of the greates victory that now exists on the Page of history we had 6 Kild and 25 wounded while from all the information I could gether the



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