Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

commanded by the enimys guns we bought 2 buckets full of milk which was brout through the fire this we had to guard Lil each subscriber got his portion ... [faded and illegible] during the first day we had 4 men shot one of them died afterwards on the morning of the 5 Oct. still warm and doubtfull we Rendered usless some of their cannon by shooting them ,rway from them. there were a great manay kild frequently puling across their guns 6 Oct. this day a young man by the name of ... [faded] from Mi was shot without ... [fadeclJ Died instantly Several wounded whose names I do not Rccolect I never have been a ... [faded] on 3d day of the Batlle we kept our positions. this day several were wounded & Col Milam fell Dead Shot through the Brains with a Rifle while walking about encouraging his men. covered over with the Dust from plastered waJls this loss of him put a considerable damper on the army we buried him in a dich frome which he was taken on the 12th Dec after the surrender and Returned for with illustrious man we are determined Revenge the Death Col Johnson took the command during this day and at night we took some new positions to which the enemy ... [faded] and Receded a little they already had sustained great loss we every minute expected their Reenforcements on our breastworks 8th we sustained little or no injury the morning of the 9th we asertained they were ... [faded] this morning it appeared we were to be sweap of by a general charge by the Cavilry infantry and lancers playing more music than I ever heard they were in a great stir Sallying and charging this day a black flag hung on their main Breastworks Several wounded to day among which was Capt Peacock who afterwards died they are the most expeditious shooters I ever saw but our boys were all sharp shotcr. and their Rife! told well we continued to progress on them with axes crobars mat axes & culling through walls of houses 3 or 4 feet thick and taking posesion of them some time finding articles that were some service to us particular some powder we very much needed and corn bread or the wounded in the eve their cavilry massed across the River and fired on our camps at a distance of 300 yards and Retreated with out doing any very great injury fired on only twice and a six pounder by Capt Parrot we had one man by the name of Graham wounded in the act of spiking a cannon with the face of calmness we continued to approximate on them from our first position about 30 yards we were covered with dirt geting through


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