Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

slmck was ridlcd ... [faded] in about 20 minutes before daylight as we could see them We fired on them. the 2nd division was very much expo~cd until the first engaged part of the enemy's fire we made port holes diches & Breats works and preparing to paly [play?] on them with our cannon the walls of the houses extend above thcRoof some of the N O Grays ascended one of them lo shoot through the trap hold but found themselves so exposed they had to dccend through by making a hole with their Bowie knives one of them being larger than the Rest was shot in the foot while pulling him through. The tremdious fire of the .Mexican would have been alarming had it not been for the composed contenance of Milam and Johnson and several Brave captains. Edwards york Landmm Peacock Ms volunteers Morris & Cook N. 0. grays Col Nail & Franks of the Artilery who were the little Band that had Resolved to obtain a glorious conquest Drive Gent Cos and his army from the Borders of Texas or leave our Bones to Bleach on the plains of San Antonio the Battle now Raging Almost to desperation about 8 oclock after much toil and danger we built a small Breast work in the St. with Bags of dirt &c· and marched ... [faded] I was then ordered with 6 or 7 other soldiers to effect if posible a communication with the Camp. ¾ miles and bring in the balance of the balls for the ... [faded] this was a very hazardous undertaking bu l we were with those that I did not wish to shear the honors with out the danger we shouted the musket balls came after us as soon as we were out of cover of our position as far as they could Reach and a cross fire of grape from the Alamo the whole Rout we Returned takeing about forty men with us this was still greater indusement for the enemy they seamed determined to Rake us of the face of the earth with canister and grape again meeting the . . . [faded] town we wen l through all with only a few cuts with splinters ... [faded] and portions of Rock by falling into our faces at every discharge of the cannon the Reserve left at camp was commanded by Col Sublett and CaptRoberts during the storming of the walls were Reinforced by 150 men from camp and other parts of the country the cannonading of the Alamo by Capt Roberts to draw the attention of the enemy did not have the desired affect the first 2 days we suffered very much for provisions and water being to much ingaged lo gel it we did get some beef & Bread we had none for a week previous, all the water Running through town was


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