galloping horses I think by Lhal Lime lhere would ... [illegible] been 200 men on lhe ground I fully expecled Lhen the cnimy would charge on us wilh his whole force but nolhing was cerlain we were compeled to fight flying .... [faded.I aboul our camp more ... [faded] all lhis lended lo add lo our presenl gloomy condi lion this was the time lo try in whose breast galant spiri ls were sealed by the influence of Ben Milam of a flag was planted and volunteers caJd for to attempt lo storm the town before day Just at this time a lutenant deserted Cos and come ·to us and incournge us very much the Mexican familys that had fled Lo our camp for proleclion were in a distressing condition Milam ... [illegible] private in Yorks comp with whom got 300 volunteers after making the necessary arrangements we were . . . [faded] taking hold together by Milam who was chosen as our leader organized and ordered to take a great ... [faded] every thing still as death there on the morning of 5 Deer 220 of us with 2 pieces of artillery going to storm of stron fort of 1100 men 100 of our men having backed out we marched in and divided in two divisions fired on only by 4 sentinels one of them with our guide shot on entering we took possessions of 2 large stone house which the ocupants left lo us one was Verrimendas the other I do not know the public square was surrounded with large stone buildings covered with cement such as no combustable could set on fire extending from the enterence of one St lo another in this was a large stone church surounded by a strong wall well fortified at the entrence of each street was a dich 9 feet deep and 15 wide and imbankment throwecl on sides a Breast work and mounted cannon to rake every St and cannon 18 in number about the time we entered Lhese houses Lheir cannon were discharged together with other smaJl guns which seamed to set fire to earth and skie kiling every beasl in Lhe Sts and one ole mexican who ran accross panic
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