Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6


[William H. Wharton, address lo the People of New York, April 26, 1836, about the Texan cause. I

(2864) [DANCE to EDlTOR]

Morgan City Ala April 25 ['?] 1836 Mr. Editor, Dear Sir 1 lake the liberty of writing to you knowing the interest of the people [of the] U.S.... [faded! views in their recent struggle for liberty and some of the ... [faded] as there never has been a correct account of it published in your columns it may not be uninteresting to your readers [?] in so doing I will descibe nothing but what actually happened under my own observation being there previous to the attack in the army there were serveral skirmishes 1 could describe. but I will only mention those connected with the storming When I saw the ... [faded] and magnificence l"?] of this place I was convinced it would be hard to take Sau Antonio is situated in a very fertile and ... [ faded J plain of muskete prarea through it Runs the purest River I ever saw of the same name the city is cald Bexar inhabited by three thousand Mexicans 500 miles west of Sabine they have a


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