Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

You will please lo explain, fully, your views and instructions lo any armed parties who may be marching towards you, and should they continue lo threaten your position, or to manifest a design of crossing into Lhe United States, you are authorized lo attack and repel them. I have this day, by direction of the President, requested the Governors of Lo11isiana and Mississippi, to call inlo service any militia force you may find necessary for the protection of the frontiers. This force must be called out for a term of not less than six months from the day they reach their rendezvous, to be discharged al any time by the United Stales. The necessary means will be furnished lo the officers of the proper staff departments, for such supplies as may be required. I need hardly say, that the duty committed lo you is one of great importance, as well as of great delicacy: and I do nol doubt ii will be so executed as lo preserve, on the one hand, the proper safety of the frontier, while, on the other hand, as little cause of offence as possible will be given to any foreign authority. I have to request that you would keep me regularly ad vised of your proceedings. Very respectfully, Your most obedient servant, Lewis Cass

Maj. Gen. E. P. Gaines, Fort Jesup, Louisiana.


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