Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

2938. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 2939. Domestic Correspondence. Tx.

2940. Niles Register IBaltimore). May 28. 1836. 2941. Valentin Gomez. Farias Papers. TxU-L.

2942. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2943. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2Q44. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. 2945. Consular Papers. Tx.

2946. James Morgan Papt>rs. TxGR. 294 j'. State Department Papers. Tx. 2948. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. In Rusk's handwriting. All first person pro• nouns except one were in singular, then crossed out and changed Lo plural. 2949. Little Rock Advocate. June 3. 1836. 2950. Mexico-Texas-Canada ... (Wash.• 25th Cong.. 2nd Scss.. H.E.D. 74. 18381, 23-24. 2951. Telegraph and Texas Register, September 20. 1836. 2952. United States and Mexico ... (Wash.• 25th Cong.• 2nd Sess.• H.E.D. 351, 18381 i84. 2953. James Morgan Papers. TxGR. 2954. Barker, The Austin Papers, III, 344. 2955. Broadside. CtY. Streeter, A Bibliography of Texas, #878. 2956. Urrea, Diario, l 02. 295,. New Orleans Commercial Bulletin. June 9, 1836. 2958. Gorostiza Pamphlet: Message from the President ... IWash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.E.D. 190, 18::\8). 81. 2959. Henry W. Karnes Papers. Tx. 2960. Telegraph and Texas Register, October 25, 1836. 2961. Protection of Western Frontier .. . (Wash., 24th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.D. 249, 18361. 2. 2962. Original in possession of C. D. David. Houston, Texas. 2963. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx. 2964. Telegraph and Texu Register, September 21, 1836. 2965. Telegraph and Texas Register, September 21, 1836. 2966. St. Louis Commercial Bulletin, June 3, 1836. 2967. Correspondence with the Government of Mexico . .. (Wash., 24th Cong.• 1st Sess., H.E.D. 256. 18361. 48-49. 2968. Protection of Western Frontier .. . (Wash., 24th Cong., 2nd Sess., H.D. 249, 1836), 1-2. 2969. Correspondence with the Government of Mexico ... (Wash., 24th Cong., 1st Sess., H.E.D. 256. 18361, 49-50. 2970. Correspondence with the Government of Mexico ... (Wash.• 24th Cong., 1st Sess.• H.E.D. 256. 18361. 50. 29, 1. Gorostiza Pamphlet: Message from the President ... (Wash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess.. H.E.D. 190, 18381, 81-82. 29i2. New Orleans Commercial Bulletin. June 4, 1836. 29,3. Broadside. TxU-A. Streeter, A Bibliography of Texas, #1249. 2974. T. ). Rusk Papers. TxU-A. 2975. Not located. Mentioned in Yoakum, History of Texas, II, 168.

2976. Barker. The Austin Papers. III. 349-50. 2977. Filisola. Merrwriu (Cumplidol. I, 245-46. 29,8. Filisola. Merrwrias (Cumplidol, I, 245. 2979. Executive Record Books. Tx. 2980. Arkansas Advocate ILittle Rock), June 3, 1836. 2981. Mississippi Free Trader and Natchez Gazelle, May 13, 1836. 2982. Colonization Papers. Tx. 2983. John A. Quitman Papers. ViU. Copy in V. 0. King Papers. Tx. 2984. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 298,5. T. J. Rusk Papers. Tx.

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