I wish you would inform me if cannon arc needed for the fortification now in progress- H horses could be promised lOO men, provided I could hring them oul wilh the equipments and arms- I am inclined to think that 100 cavalry wilh Coils carbines, with spring bayonets, and pistols, will be a very po,\;crful and efficient force. Colts carbins and pistols discharge 30 rounds in the same time lhat it lakes lo load 3 times. If I gel cannon too, I would have them with the percussion locks, which we saw at Arculanius N. Y. Stale Arsenal. If you can learn anything of Wm Austin, I beg you will also lel me know for the satisfaction of his friends here. I am also very anxious lo receive a copy of the Constitution, and some of the im porla nl laws of the New Govt. and please address me al New York, and advise me of your movements. A. J. Yales (3277) [ZAVALA to PRESIDENT] Taking inlo consideration that the present Government of Texas has lost the moral confidence of the People and is therefore no longer able to carry into effect their measures, I have lo lender my resignation as Vice President of the Republic of Texas. Lorenzo de Zavala Quintana 3rd June 1836
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