Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6


Orleans Infirmary 3rd June 1836


I will wait with pleasure any time you desire for the

moment of Lhe smaJI Bill for Orleans Infirmary.

Although the late case termiated unfortunately yet I trust · The Orleans Infirmary will he open to the Officers and Crews of the Texian vessels on the same turn on which the Officers & Crews of American Vessels are received from the United States-but at all costs, under present circumstances the Texian Service would begin action of its debts. circumstances will not occure again in future.


P. S. i\'lcFaland Attendg. Physician U. States Marine Hospital


To/William Bryan Esq Texian Agency New Orleans

[3275] [RUSK to BURTON]

Head Quarters La Bahia Friday 3d June 1836

To Captain Burton

Sir you communication under date of this day been received I enclose you a copy of the Armistice by which you will see that duty· unimposed you will see by this article that hostilities are to cease on hand and upon our Army you must also recollect that they have forty ofour.prisoners:and alarge number of negros in the possession and that Gaines and Teal are within their power you will then for return the provisions on board the Vessel and permit here to proceed as she may choose under directions of Lhose who had the charge of her you will return as early as possible lo Head Quarters keeping a good look out as the rear division of the Mexican Army are within nine miles of this place preoceeding on towards Mattamoras they camped in two miles of


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