Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6


astando el gobierno y el presidente lejos de la escena de los sucesos, solo podian obr r segun los parles dados por los gefes] Cuando estos proceden ilegalmente, siempre i esultan desgracis. Esta es opinion mis particular, y no mas.-.Me persuado haber correspondido a los deseos de V, y lo dicho es la verdad-Admita V todo el afecto y cstumacion, con que es de V. muy atcnto seguro servidor Q. B. S. M-Juan Jose Holsinger. [3273) lHUNT lo PRESIDENT an<l CABINET]

Velasco Texas June 3rd 1836

To His Excellency the President and the Honorable the Members of the Cabinet Gentlemen

It is with feelings of deep regret to me and must be to all advocates of the cause of Texas to know the excitement which now prevails among the people on the subject of the removal of Gen'l Santa Anna from Texas. Depend upon my assurance that this act will produce civil excitement lo an extent which will not stop short of violence upon your honorable body and I feel fully justified in the remark from my intercourse with the people that nine tenths yea nineteen twentieths seem to demand that the gov- ernment shall comply with the wishes of so large a majority and it does appear to me that our system would justify a confident hope that you will comply on your part with a wish when the people do so unanimously petition. Gen'l Santa Anna had better be executed twenty times if it could be done that often-we had better under- go campaign and campaign than allow him to be the cause of a rupture and violence between the people and the Gov't. a circum- stance which must eventuate in more bad consequences than any other which it is in the power of the imagination to conceive and let me implore you Gentlemen in the name of civil liberty in the name of every thing that is dear to the memory of your gallant ancestors to yield to the public will. You had better resign your places you had best do any thing not dishonorable than to meet, and have this community to meet, the consequences that must, (depend upon it,) that must inevitably accrue.

I have the honor Lo be Your most ob't Sv't Memucan Hunt


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