(2862] [CASS to GAINES]
War Department, April 25, 1836. Sir: Your letler of the 29th ultimo was received at the Department a few days since, but I have been prevented by indisposition from giving it an earlier answer. I enclose for your information a copy of the memorandum of an official conference, between the Secretary of Slate and the Mexican Minister, respecting the present state of affairs upon the southwestern borders of the United States. You will consider, as a part of your instructions, the declaration made by the Secretary of State, and govern yourself accordingly. It is not the wish of the President to take advantage of present circumstances, and thereby obtain possession of any portion of the Mexican territory. Still, however, the neutral duties, as well as the neutral rights, of the United Stales, will justify the Government in laking all necessary measures to prevent a violation of their territory. Recent events induce the belief that the Mexican forces, as well as the inhabitants of Texas, must be in a high state of excitement. In that portion of the country, there are many Indian tribes whose habitual predisposition lo engage in war, is well known, as is, also, their reckless disregard of any of the claims of humanity. And from information which has reached the Government, there is too much reason to believe, that efforts have been made to induce these Indians to join the Mexican troops. It may, therefore, well be, as you anticipate, that these various contending parties may approach our frontiers, and that the lives and property of our citizens may be placed in jeopardy. Should this be the case, the President approves the suggestion you make, and you are authorized to take such position, on either side of the imaginary boundary line, as may be best for your defensive operations. You will, however, under no circumstances, advance farther than old Forl Nacogdoches, which is within the limits of the United Stales, as claimed by this Government. But you will please to observe, that this permission will not be exercised, unless you should find such an advanced posi Lion necessary, lo afford due security lo the frontier, in consequence of the unsettled state of things beyond you.
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