Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

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[2854) [DlMITT to HOUSTON,)

Post of Galveston 24th of Apl 1836

l\lost Esteemed Friend Sir

On yesterday I landed at this point, two days before I left Pasa Caballo the .Mexican troops had possession of Matagorda, there was left in the place about 300 barrels of provisions and two cannon. All is disorder and confusion at this point you see nothing but the arme, I should have· left with the person who conveys this, but not knowing at what point you were at I determined not to leave untill I was informed where your camp was. I suggest a plan for an expedition of three hundred men against Matagorda Dimitts point Victoria & Goliad so as to divert the attention of the enemy and alarm them, so as to draw off their attention against you and also not to let them concentrate their forces. I myself have no doubt of its happy effect if my judgment is not bad, and immediately on the reduction of those points to fortify at Pasa Caballo. Capt. Brown is at this point with his vessell and facilitys for the transportation of the expedition and all it wants is promptness and disipline in the cmder. of it to make it successfull, I leave the subject with you, much muttering about the military movements of the army. I have taken the liberty of giving my opinion and that in the rashest manner, you must permit me to attend you my friendship boath in privet and public life, and I shall always be happy to obey your commands. Your friend and Humble svt P. Dimitt [Addressed:] Privet


To Genl S. Houston Comdr and Chief of the Army of Texas in Camp


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