th,, l':\1\1\', tlH' 1'11lin' li:iy lwlwc, ~11 lhe said island and the main, and 1\\1' , , :,11-1· l\1r tlll' tli~tmwc• ol' 0111· league without said island. ·\n,1 it i:- fmtlwr orclai11 c d and decreed, that the Secretary ,,t' th,· ~"' y lw :u11l lw i~ hereby invested with the command of the milit:ll'y t\1r,·1•:- l-latio111·d or lo be stationed at the said depot or :my part th1'"''of. wilh full power lo control, order, or direct the
[ David G. Burnet, 21 April 1836] [2815)
Col Burkson Col Slwrman
) ) )
against fighting
Lieut Col Millard Lieut Col Somerville
Lt Col Bennett Maj Wells
) )
f battle
or held about noon on the day of the battle
[On verso:] Council of War at San Jacinto April 21, 1836
Ordered Sherman on the 20th when he went out with the detachment, not to bring on an engagement, in any event. It is not true that Sherman got the officers to agree to support him. [2816] [HOLLEY to AUSTIN]
Lexington, April 21, 1836
Dear Cousin,
We had an overflowing Meeting last night, adjourned from the Morning, when they merely organized, the Whig Convention being in session. I made up a party of ladies and we all went, and never was 1 so complimented - never so proud. And who do you think was the orator? The new Commissioner from Texas Col: Lewis. It so happened-a lucky coincidence for once-that he arrived from Louisville-(where he told us they had a very
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