was protected by the timber and sustained no injury except l man slightly wounded, lh<'y did not no w«~ had got a canon and their fire was not rdurnecl until th«~ir lnfantry had comcnccd their fire with musquetry. we then comenced with our canon hoping they would charge with their Infantry to take them, and by that means we could cut them all off and i r possible take Santa Anna prisoner, or kill him. They retreated from our 4th fire of the canon to a small wood in our front where their canon was planted and kept up a fire with their canon until l uclock P.M. when they fell back to a piece of high pararie on the edge of the marsh, their wright and from their wright to a little pasl, their center was covered by a thick wood and pond and their left by an almost impassible bieau, with a levil open pararie in front, and imediately comenced fortifying with brush, bagage etc. Huston then determined to come out in the plain and engage them, the cavclry was senl out to draw the enemy from their cover but we could not gel them to attack us, it being late in the afternoon, Huston deferred attacking him until morning and marched into camp. that knight Coss arrived with his 650 men and Joined Santa Ana making his force 1150. Santa Ana then considered Huslon and Texas then in his power with no chance of escape and that he would let Cosses men rest one clay and on the morning of the 22nd seal the death warrant of Texas by the destruction of Huston and the only men Texas has in the field. At half past 12 oclock of the 21st ultimo we left our camp to attack him, leaving 1 company of 38 men in camp, Our cavalry about 110 strong was posted on the wright, the 2 companies of Regulars next to the Cavalry, the 2 companies of Volunteers on our left and the malitia on the left oposite the woods about 300 yds in their front was a lo hollow that protected us from their canon in that hollow we formed our line with our 2 4b canon (presented Lo Texas by the ladies of Cincinnati Ohio) in the rear of the regulars with orders as soon as they asertaincd where their canon was planted to open their fire on it and lo keep up on the advance with the infantry. the infantry was ordered to trail arms and advance until within 50 yds of the enemy before we fired, as as we gained the levil they comenccd on our company with grape and canister shot. we rushed 011 it quick lo within 50 yds a heavy fire of Grape canister and musketry, our riflemen having nearly one hundred yards less to go than we had com<~nced the action with small arms a little before we did with our musquels. the musquctry and riflemen kept advancing as they fired when within about 20 steps of the enemy's line we were ordered to charge with the bayonet as soon as we was ordered to the charge and brought our guns to the proper
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