and then sent the Remainder down to the same place and crossed Iris whole force. Santa Anna stationed 2500 men at Fort Bend and took 500 of his Veterans and 1 heavy Brass nine Pounder and pushed on to Harisburg on Bufaloe Bieau, 35 miles from Fort Bend on his way to Galveston Island, the only port the Texans now have in their p·osession. Huston imediately crossed the Brasas and took up his march for Harisburg distant 57 miles we got to the bieau opposite Harisburg in the evening and Santa Ana had left it that morning for Linches Ferry on the Road to Galveston Next morning our spies brought in the Mexican Mail Rider and the mail From which we learned that Santa Ana was with the army in person. Gen. Huston had hen compelled to give furlows to upwards of 200 men to gow and cary their families beyond the Trinity River for Security, and one entire Company that was left oposite San Felipe went home instead of Joirring us on our march, and when we reach Bufaloe Bieau we had 810 men, and before we got through examining the letters, our spies that crossed the Bieau brought in the Col. commanding the Mexican cavalry with a letter from Genl Coss lo Santa Ana stating that he would start the next morning from Fort Bend with 650 men to Join him at Linches Fery on Bufaloe Bieau, Gen. Huston then knew that Santa Ana had gone by way of New Washington on the bay, to destroy that place, and then to march up the Bieau to Linches Fery and Join Coss and march on to Galveston and take it Before Huston could find where he was, leaving the main body at Fort Bend to amuse Huston, Gen. Huston crossed the Bieau next day with 520 men and the 2 4 pounders that reached us on our march from the Brasas and left the balance to take care of our baggage and guard the camp. we lay in the Bushes on the road to watch Coss and the 650 men which was expected to pass that day but did not. as soon as it became dark we commenced a rapid march for Linches Fery, calculating that Santa Anna would not cross the Bieau untill the arival of Gen. Coss at 2 oclock A.M. we halted within 2 1/2 miles of Linches Fery at Sun rise on the 20th ultimo, we formed our line of battle and proceeded to the fery. when we reached the Fery we found Santa Ana had not yet reached there, but was on his way up from Washington. Huston picked his ground, placed his men, gave them his orders, then made tham stack their arms in their places and told them to eat their breakfast and be ready to Receive them about 11 oclock A . .M. They came in sight drawn up in line, 400 infantry and 100 horse with their 9 pounder in the center of their InfantTy, at about 350 yds distance they opened on what few they could see of us with their cannon charged with grape and canister shot, but the men they saw
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