(2842) [RUSK to HOUSTON]
Zavala's House, 23rd April, 1836.
General Houston, Commander in Chief of the Army
Sir, There are here between four and five hundred prisoners and four men as guard. If the guard have not been i;ent over they ought to be immediately--fifty men at least i;hould come over under the Command of a Captain. Respectfully Your:; Tho J. Rwsk (2843) [RUSK to PEOPLE]
Head Quarters, Army, April 23, 1836. To the People
towards Nacogdoches:
We met Santa Anna on the 21st; we attacked him with 600 men; he had 1100 infantry, two howitzers- we entirely routed his whole force, killed half of his men, and took the rest prisoners. Santa Anna himself, and all his principal officers are our prisoners. The history of war does not furnish a parrell to the battle. We had 6 killed, and 20 wounded. I have not time or I would send on a full report. I will do that in the course of to-morrow. I again call on my fellow citizens to come to the field; let us fall on and conquer the remaining troops, and our country is free; turn out at once, there is no excuse now; let us do the work at once. Thos. J. Rusk, Sec. at War. I certify the above to be a true copy of the express just received from the Secretary of War, who was himself in the battle. A. Houston To J. R. Dunn (2844) [SANTA ANNA to FILISOLA] Secretaria particular del presidente de la republica mexicana, general en gefe del ejercito de operaciones. - Ecsmo. Sr. general de division D. Vicente Filisola. - Paso de San Jacinto Abril 23 de 1836. - Mi estimado amigo y companero: como no se cl tiempo que pcrmanecere por aqui, y Vdes. tienen que regresar al interior, quicro me mantle V mi equipaje, el del coronet Almonte,
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