I was called on to interpret. He acknowledged himself to be General Santa Anna and a prisoner under the protection of General Houston. His officers acknowledge him to be General Santa Anna President of Mexico, and we are persuaded, he is the man. We fou11ht and conquered him and he is now our prisoner. Cos was kill;d by a pistol ball. The Cabinet is sent for in order to treat, as Santa Anna is desirous to stop the shedding of blood. His armies will march out of Texas and therefore we will be at peace. We have him at our disposal. The enemy burnt Harrisburg and New Washington. To give you the particulars of our victory, forever memorable for the money bags, &c. now in our possession is more than I can do at this time, but when more at leisure will give you particulars in full. General Houston was wounded in the ancle early in the action, and his horse killed under him, but he did not quit the field until they surrendered. The action lasted about 18 minutes. The Spaniards threw down their arms and retreated in great disorder. The army was taken about two miles from the place where the action commended.-Capt. Moreland commanded a cannon, and the duty was well performed; the first shot carried away the enemies powder box, and wounded the adjutant general and several others. We took a fine brass nine pounder estimated to be worth one thousand dollars. The Mexican army was from 12 to 15 hundred strong,; ours only 600.
Yours, &c. Haskell, Surgeon of the army.
Texas Meeting. . At a meeting held in the city of Little Rock, on Saturday even~ng, t~e 23d April, ~836, for the purpose of taking into cons1d~rahon the cause of hberty among our brethren in Texas, and lo deVJse means whereby we may render them efficient aid in their present glorious struggle with Mexican tyranny, On motion, Mr. C. L. Jeffries was called to the chair, and M~. A. M. Sco_tt appointed Secretary. The design of the meeting was briefly explamed by the Chair; after which the audience was addres.c;ed by Mcs.c;rs. Childres.c; and Pike - the latter of whom offercd the following resolution.
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