want of Provisions, although we arc prevented from fonvarding them 011 public account. Col Triplett does not yet appear but we are in hopes many days more may not pass before he comes. I have the ho11or to be Your Obt Servant Edward Hall [3051) [RAYMOND to MORGAN]
In camp, Zavallas Point May 14th 1836
To Col. Morgan, Comdt.
Sir, Herewith I transmit to you, by Sergt. Sylvester, the situation in which we are placed:-! am left here with 12 men, as a guard over the remaining part of the Mexican prisoners, without any thing to eat, except beef, and that we have to drive from 8 to 10 miles; we have neither corn or flour for ourselves or for them; we have been detained here already five days longer than was anticipated by us, and when the steamboat left we only had about two days provisions; at which time I expected to leave; but owing to circumstances unknown to me, we arc thus detained, and almost in a state of starvation; the country round has been perfectly stript of every thing but beefs, and the greater part of them drove out of our reach. There is yet remaining here between two & three hundred of the prisoners;- you will please send up corn sufficient to last them for 5 or 6 days, or until you think there is a certainty of them leaving this place for the Island; I also want for my own men,-flour, sugar, pork & rice:-by complying with the above you will much oblige
Your Respectfully Lieut. S. B. Raymond
[3052) [RUSK to WOLL]
Your communication to me under date of [May 12] has been received, and would have been earlier answered, but for other duties which devolved upon me. The principle cause of your being sent to Velasco, was the preservation of your life. For let me assure you, such was the indignation of the people of Texas at
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