Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

so. As these late occurrences may have occasioned some disturbances in the port of l\fatamoros, or places near to it. I have ordered general Urrea to march with 800 men, which I will be pleased to hear has merited the approbation of the supreme government. 1 have the honor to accompa11y by copy, No. 2, the latest communication that I have received from his Excellency the president, in order that your Excellency, being pleased lo render an account of it to his Excellency the president pro tern. may make of it the use that may be deemed proper, wilh the understanding that I will not obey any order that is not received from the secretaryship under your charge, the only legal officer that 1 al this time recognize; and with the understanding, that should the army retreat from these posts, it is also necessary to abandon Bexar, and not to leave any force there exposed to suffer a second mortification, for wishing to maintain a post entirely insignificant. Annexed is a general statement of the army as il exists in this place, Bexar, and different detachments which include the force with which general Urrea has marched to Matamoros. I have the honor, your Excellency, to repeat the protestations of my great consideration. God and Liberty. Guadalupe Victoria, l\'lay 14th. 1836. Vicente Filisola. To his Excellency, the secretary of war and marme. (3048) [FILISOLA to URREA] Ejercito de operaciones. - Es muy interesante al mejor servicio de la repuhlica, y a la seguridad <lei puerto de .Matamoros, que V. S., sin perdida de momento, marche a dicho puerto, con el objeto indicado, llevando a sus ordenes los hatallones Jiminez, Yucatan y Tres Villas, el regimiento de caballeria de Cuautla, el piquete de la misma, c!e los a~fr:os de D:.n:ir.go, des piezas de a 4 y dos de a 6, con sus correspondientes municiones. Llegado a aquella villa, se pondra V. S. de acuerdo con el senor comandante general de los departamentos de Tamaulipas y Nuevo-Leon, para ausiliarlo; mas sin desmembrar en destacamentos, fucra de la villa, de ninguna manera, la seccion que marcha a sus ordenes; pues ella


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