absolu lcly necessary lo arrive quickly al this town and procure them, although unl'orlunalely I have found 11olhi11g but meal, a little rice and a very small quantity of beans. This day, your Excellcncy, a quart of corn has been sold for a dollar, al the same price. a small loaf of sugar, and a loaf of bread weighing a pound and a half for Lhree dollars; there is a very great want of every thing except meal. The army, us 1 have already said, is without clothi11g, the arms ruined, ammunition of every kind in very bad condition, horses and mules badly used in the extreme; we have neither physician nor apothecary: we are threatened with the epidemic of the season and the innumerable sufferings which lhe army has undergone; and should this misfortune lake place, the men will perish without the least assistance, in the midst of discouragement, and abandoned without even the co11solalio11 of spiritual assistance, for we have not a single chaplain to say mass for us. The immense buUi. of baggage is incredible, the army take three times the number of mules more than is due to them: this disorder, owi11g lo the bad organization and management commenced at Saltillo, is an immense caravan which contains double the number of consumers to that of those who bear arms, because, l repeal, they only thought of advancing, and of nothi11g more: it is 11ecessary then lo re-organize, rest and i11slrucl them, as the greater part are recruits who scarcely know how lo carry a musket on their shoulder. Nevertheless they are a11imated with lhe best national sentiments, and desirous of carrying tu the end lhe orders of the supreme government, should the means be provided for them; because, on the contrary, they will see themselves obliged lo continue their retreat. The post of Matagorda was garrisoned by the battalion of Tres-Villas, and a twelve poinder, under the orders of colonel Augustine Alcerrica, who, having heard the fate of the president, precipitately abandoned it, leaving exposed part of his battalion, and Don Juan Olsingcr, captain of engineers, who embarked in a small sloop with the piece, three artill~rists and several prisoners, and I have not yet heard from him, there having elapsed sufficient time for him lo have landed at Copano, or some other place on the coast. The treasury docs not contain a dollar; the government remitted money to Matamoros for the army, but the commandant general there has dclai11cd it. and has nol forwarded a single rial, after making many offers lo do
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