General Green has accomplished the objects for which he was ordered to this country:-no one can possibly form a correct idea of the difficulties he has had to encounter, and which he has nobly surmounted, except those who laboured with him. The People of Texas owe him much, and will, I have no doubt, suitably reward him. It will afford me great pleasure to hear from you occasionally:-please command my services in all things relating to the permanent establishment of the Independence of your country, and so far as my feeble efforts will go, your wishes shall be promptly met. I send you some pamphlets of my examination by the United States Authorities. I have the Honour to be with the highest respect and consideration Your mo. Obt Humble Servt Wm Christy P.S. Since the above was written Mexia has sent a messenger to me, with strong protestation of innocence, he declares most solemnly that he has no wish or intention ever to invade Texas, and that nothing would induce him ever to do so. I give you the pro and con as we have it here. Time and circumstances will settle the matter w.c. [3047] [FILISOLA to TORNEL] Army of operatio11s.-Excellent Sir:-ln the afternoon of yesterday I arrived at this place with thal part of the army of operations which, on account of the sad event of the 21st of last April, remained under my command, whose force is made known by statement No. 1, which I have the honor to annex for the particular information of his Excellency the president pro Lem. In my last despatch to the govemmeut, dated 28th April, from the bank vf· the river San Bernard, l stat~d to your Excellency, that I would in good Lime more ex te11.sively inform the government of the motives which, even without the intercession of his Excellency the president's measures, compelled me to make a retrograde movement in this direction; now that l am enabled, I proceed to do so.
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