examinalion, we shall however forward them in a few days. Col Triple LL will be sufficiently safisfied of their accuracy to meel the presenl wants should he ever arrive. I have the honour to be &e Yours Respeelfully
Wm. Bryan General Agent for Texas
New Orleans 14th .May 1836
David G. Burnet Esqr. President of the Republic of Texas Sir,
I avail myself of the opportunity afforded by the DeparLment of General Green, to congrah1late the people of Texas upon the late glorious victory obtained over their enemies. It might not, perhaps, be thought forward on Lhe part of one who has taken so conspicuous a part in favor of the cause of Texas, as I have done, to offer some advice to those in power at this important crisis of affairs:-this is a liberty however which I will not take, as I know that you will find many more disinterested advisers now, than you found disinterested friends to come forward and lend an efficient aid, in the dark hours of your apparent adversity: but I conceive it to be my duty Lo apprise you of every thing which comes to my knowledge here, which would, in any manner, work an injury, or prove beneficial to your cause:-and under the influence of these feelings, I have to inform you, by way of caution, thaLI have learned, from a source which I do not doubt, Lhat Gomez Feriez and General Mexia, now in this City, whom you well know by reputation, are about Lo atlempt to put themselves at the head of affairs in Mexico, and if they succeed, their determination is, to prosecute the War against Texas with vigour:-to accomplish this, Mexia is to go to Mexico by land, as soon as his tri..l is over here, which will take place 011 Monday next; he is to pass through Texas:-'twill be well to ha\'e an eye upon him. I shall write to General Houston, and put him in possession of the information herewiLh transmitlcd to you. I cannoL close these hasty remarks without g1vmg testimony Lo the great zeal, ability and efficiency with which
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