Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

vessel off the Ri\'cr to take the Invincible on her oul'ward cruise, and send her to Key West for a new Trial. We have taken such measures as were in our power to prevent it, and believe we have fully succeeded in preventing further trouble. The result however of the whole difficulty will satisfy you as Lo the policy of invading the American Flag. It would require but a few such instances as that of the Pocket to turn the Government of the U States against you, and stop every expedition in favour of Texas. The Pocket now stands as the properly of Thos Toby & Bro. they will arrange with you in regard to that vessel. Mr. Triplett has not yet arrived, nor can we hear from him the expedition, by which you will receive this is fitted out entirely on private account. Gen Green has contributed nearly everything. This agency has as for as it was possible provided the supplies of the public vessels and the volunteers, but as under present circumstances we are not officially authorized to act, much could not be expected of us. We congratulate you on the present reinforcement, no exertion has been wanting on our part or that of the friends of Texas to expedite it; the late Glorious news has brought out hundreds lo our aid, who in the days of gloom and trouble stood al a distance, the government however have nothing lo do with their motives so long as they can be used for the benefit of Texas. Much anxiety has prevailed here lo sec the Letters & documents taken in the Pocket, should it be your Excellencys pleasure we would request that they be sent here for publication, it would promote the cause and put down those who arc now opposing us. To prevent dificulty, should the Invincible be overhauled by the U States vessel we send by Capt Brown, attested copies of all the papers in her case, which he will forward to you should he not have occasion for them. There is a small Schooner called the Union now fitting out here that will Proceed to Galveston to obtain a Commission, their object is profit by cruising against the enemy we know nothing of the character of the Commander, and past dificultics command extreme caution in commissioning such a vessel, we would particularly call your Excellency's allention to her. We send you a Copy of the Protest of the Brig Pocket, we have obtained affidavits that will fully contradict such parts as are objectio11able i11 case any use should be made of it. We have delayed sending our accounts, as we well know the present situation of the Govcrnmc11l would not p<:rmiL their


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