[3044) lGREEN to PUBLIC!
New Orleans, ~lay 13, 1836 IL will be seen from Lhe above official orders, that our ennemy is in the field, a11d conce11traling al San Antonio de Bexar. and Lhe friends of Texas are again callecl upon to complete our glorious s11ccc~s. All Lhc friends of Texas 110w in New Orleans, who inle11d goi11g oul al present, will report lhemselv<\S immediately; that Lhcy may be provided with suitable accommodations 011 board, and those who may arrive hereafter will follow on immediatdy upon their arrival here. Thomas J. Green, Brig. Gen. of the Army of Texas. [3045) [BRYAN Lo BURNET]
Agency of Texas New Orleans May 14th '1836
His Ex the President of the RepubJjc of Texas Sir
We had the honour to address you under dale of May 9th, advising of the arrest of the Crew of the Schooner Invincible on the charge of Piracy, & of their liberation after three days examination; since which Lhe officers and Crew of the Pocket have arrived, and the additional evidence they brought would have again arrested Lhe officers & Crew of the Juvincible, as we have before named wilh the assistance of our friends Thos Toby & Bro, we purchased the Brig & paid her Charter & demuragc. \\ c have also bee11 obliged lo pay all Lhc damage sustained by the officers and Crew, amounting to about Eight hundred Dollars. this measure was absolutely necessary to save the vessel from the charge of piracy and maintain the public fccli11g towards I.he cause, hatl it r.ol been d~nc u:i e:i:pc::;u:-~ would have lake,~ place (11ol criminal) bul slill highly disadvantageous to the cause. We have every reason to believe that upon sound reflection the conduct of this Agency will be approved of by the present E:xceutive. The monicd Aristocracy we have to contend with, arc powerful & resolute, they have gone so far as lo advise Comr. Dallas to $end a
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