Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

Dios v libertad. Kirkendoll sobre los Brazos a 12 de mavo de 1836. -· Adrian Woll. - Sr. General D. Tomas J. Rt;~k comandante en gefe de las fuerzas de Tejas. (3042] [COLLINSWORTH to PRESIDENT AND CABINET]

Velasco 13th i\'lay 1836

To the president and members of the Cabinet of Texas Gentlemen

It becomes my duty in pursuance of that candor which has ever characterized my conduct both publick & private, in taking leave of you as a member of your cabinet, briefly to state my reasons for so doing. In the first place you are well aware, that it was an appointment not sought by me, and on which I entered with great diffidence. Not only in this country but in the land of my nativity have I repeatedly declined offices no doubt more than equal to my ability to fill them, which facts are merely alluded to, to shew that I have set a higher value upon the ability to dignify an office than merely to possess it. You will then understand that it is my wish you shall accept this as my resignation of the appointment of Secretary of State, in the Cabinet of Texas. But while I thus take leave o( you, I can assure you that I do so with feelings of kindness that time which alone can test the truth of all professions, will never efface. I cannot but notice some things transacted by this government which had given dissatisfaction to many and pain to myself. And among other very just causes of complaint is alledged, that of having confered the highest offices in your gift, such as foreign minister, Brigadier General, foreign agencies and many other appointments upon persons who had never been in the country except temporarily upon speculations, injurious t~ its best interests, to the exclusion of many better qualified who had taken up their permanent residence among you & done the State some service. Do not understand me by this, by any means, to require long residence in the country, to qualify a man for office, on the contrary every inducement should be held out to bona fide emigrants by early allowing them all rights and privileges due to their merits. But I do most positively object to exclusive privileges or exclusive patronage (or should you think this language inappro-


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