Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

East greatly if I could be authorised to establish places of depot al proper distances between here & Red River; if the Genl approves my plan & will give me orders to execute I will die or execute it to the salisfaction of the troops & my commander. I have organized a company of men who have families to gard the ferry & I expect Mr. de Bland & myself will recruit a respectable force in a few days. I took up two deserters on the road here & I returned them to Capt. Smith & took from him the enclosed receipt. Cox is here with the negroes & horses what have I to do with him? A Mr. J. Turnor has just arrived from Sterling on the Navasoto (illegible] all well & many persons [illegible]. The two companies now here who were ranging as I [illegible] a few hours past have been [illegible]. April 26th. I congratulate you on the reports of the success of your army which have just arrived. For God sake Genl give me some hard task to perform that will enable me to prove to you [torn] particularly zealous in the cause of Liberty & my country.

Very respectfu!Jy I am Dear Genl your most obt servant Geo. P. Digges

[2836] [FILISOLA to URREA]

Ejercito de operaciones. - Principal. - Es absolutamente preciso que V. S., en el momento que reciba este y sin hacer alto alguno, se venga a este punto con todas las fuerzas que trae a sus ordenes, pues asi intersa al mejor servicio de la nacion. Dios y libertad. Holds-Fort, Abril 23 de 1836, a las tres de la tarde. - Vicente Filisola. - Sr. general D. Jose Urrea. [2837] [FORSYTH to CASS] Department of State, Washington, April 23, 1836. Sir: In compliance with your request, I have the honor to transmit a memorandum of the substance of what I stated in an official conference on the 20th instant, with Mr. Gorostiza, Envoy


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