Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

We have no supplies our sugar & coffe is out we have no flour & can not procure corn enough for bread Three companies arc now applying to me to go home Capt Fisher of Velasco Capt- Billingly of Robinsons colony & Captn. Wan of San Jacinto The Government aught to be placed at some point where it can command the Physicul Command of the Country & get into possession of the information necessary Captn Wan has just refused to do duty and has discharged all his men he alleges they Volunteered for two months and that this time is out I have not heard from you since you left I have the honor to be with great respect your obt Serv-- Thos J Rusk Brig Genl- Comg

Hon MB Lamar Sec of War

[3040] [URREA to FILISOLA]

Army of Operations.-Brigade of Reserve.-Excellent Sir:-When about arriving t0 this town, a courier delivered me open the annexed communication, from colonel Francisco Garay, to your Excellency, and enclosed in it that directed to myself by Augustine Alcerrica, commander of the battalion of Tres Villas, by which, your Excellency will learn the evacuation of Matagorda in consequence of the enemy having presented themselves with superior force in said post; and as from the reconnoitre of their movements, which the said colonel Garay ordered to be made, it does not appear that they would remain in the place; I am of opinion that they may have gone to Brazo de Santiago and Matagorda, with the expectation that by the mere appariation of their little band, even without committing acts of hostility on account of the armistice which is at this time in force, movements might be occasioned amongst ourselves, which may tend to favor the cause that they sustain; for which reason it appeared precedent to me to send forward some troops in that direction. Your Excellency will determine whatever may seem most fit, taking this occasion to re-assure him of my consideration and esteem. God a11d liberty. Victoria, 12 May, 1836. Jose Urrea.-To his Excellency Don Vicente Filisola, commander-in-chief of the army of operations.


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