Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

[3039] [RUSK to LAMAR]

Head Quarters Army Brazos 12th May 1836

Dear Sir

On my arrival al Harrisburgh I dispatched Genl Wall under passports to Lhe Head Quarters of the Mexican Army he had proceeded eight or Nine miles in company with Col Smith who was to accompany him when I learned that some inclividuals had gone out to intercept and Kill him, under these circumstances I Immediately called a council of my officers the result of which was the conclusion a copy of which Enclose to you I was placed in an unpleasant situation but being well convinced that Genl. Wall could not reach the Mexican Army alive under any guard which I could detail with him I believed that Lhe reputation of the Country would materially suffer by his being KiUed and I therefore sent for and brot him back to camp and have sent him the control of the Government. The excitement against him in camp is very great and they urge as a justification that Gen) Wall has had a full view of our Camp and numbers that he has been permitted to see our situation that the Mexican Army are five thousand strong and they have not even pledged themselves to stop hostilities and that no dependence is to be placed upon them and that to permit Gen) Wall with all his information to return to the enemy would be to sacrifice perhaps our Army and the Country I have recd a letter from Mr Allsbury who has been in the Mexican Camp he states that they \\'ere concentrated on the West Bank of Colorado river four thousand strong Genl Filisolo stated to him that he intended lo obey the order of Santa Anna & take up the line of march by way of La Bahia in a body That the officers all told him that they obeyed the order out of humanity to the prisioners in order to save their lives that the national honors had been compromised by their retreat and that there would be another Campaign but that this had closed The Army here are much reduced men are becoming tired and determined to go to their Families they say there will be no more fighting and they must make some corn the men who are going back to the East tell the same story they did last fall that the war is done and thereby prevent reinforcements from coming on to the Army I have sent back several expresses to contradict their falsehood but the expresses arc drowned by the voice of desenters who cry peace peace


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