Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

[3037) [RUSK to WOLL]

N. 3


Head Quarters Army

To Major Grat WoH. of the Mexican Army

East of Brazos

12th of May 1836. Sir, In answer to yours, 1 have to state, that after you Jeft our camp, I was informed that designs were entertained to commit violence upon your person before you could reach the !Vlexican Army. I therefore, for the purpose of preventing that stain upon our chracter as a Nation, sent out and requested your return. The exitement is yet great and I, have concluded it was best for you to return by way of Velasco: the cabinet will be there, and the negotiations with Gen! Sta Anna will probably have been closed by them and as your Army has gone by way of La Bahia you could pass around on board one of our Steam Boats to Coxe's Point which is only a few miles from where the Mexican Army would then be, You could there have the official information in relation lo the negociations with his Exelency President Sta Anna, which would be desirably. I would with great pleasure have called to see you but the crossing at this point not being such as to enable us to cross one cannon and baggage waggons, l have been under the necessity of passing up, about twenty miles with the main body, where we can cross with convenience. I have the honour to be with great respect, Your Obedient - Servant -Thomas J. Rusk Commandant Texas Army- Es Copia Velasco Mayo 17, 1836-

Ramon Martinez Caro

[3038] [RUSK to LAMAR.I

Head Quarters Army Staffords May 12th. 1836


Dear Sir

I have not time now to say as much to you as I could desire upon the present state of the Country, but your own good sense must suggest to you the importance to us of the present moment I can speak to you the more freely on this subject as I know our opinions on these matters have heretofore fully coinsidcd- It is the

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