Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6



Letter from the Secretary of War to the President and Cabinet concerning the Mexican prisoners caph1red at Sanjacinto.

War Department Republic of Texas. 12th. May 1836.

To the President and Cabinet, Gentlemen,

Impressed with the importance of an early determination of the question as to what disposition shall be made of General Santa Anna, and other ~1exican Prisoners in the custody of this Government, I beg leave to call you to the consideration of the matter by tendering most respectfully the result of my own reflections upon the subject without burthening the Cabinet with the various considerations which have conducted me to my conclusions. Whatever course may be decided upon, prompt and energetic execution would seem to be highly advisable. From the tenor of some of our discussions, conducted with frankness and freedom, I infer that my views in all probability, will be found on this embarrassing question, not in accordance with those of a majority of the body with whom I have the honor to act; but however variant our opinions, there can bP. but one motive of action, which is patriotism, and hut one object to attain, which is the good of the country. - Feeling as I do, a great reliance upon both your ability and willingness to perceive and pursue the right. I cannot urge my peculiar opinions with that ardor and zeal which I might do in cases where those with whom I might differ, possessed a smaller share of my personal esteem and public confidence. But notwithstanding this unaffected deference to your virtue and wisdom, my convictions are not the less clear and stable, and my obligation to enforce them as far as my official vcice can do it, is not the less imperious and binding. Coming to my task with a clear conscience, and awarding the same lo those with whom I disagree, I will in the first place premise that the diffcrent conclusions at which we have arrived in former discussions in relation lo our distinguished prisoner, has arisen from the fact that whilst he has been considered by most of

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