I, Lhe said Alexander Henry, for Lhe said Pelcr I. J\lc11ard, his heirs, execulors and adminislrators, covenant. grm1L a11d agree Lo a11d wilh Lhc said Thomas Toby & Ilrolher, Lhcir executors a11d adminislralors, by Lhcsc presents, thal he, the said Peter l. J\lenard, al Lhe Lime of sealing and delivering these prescnls, is the true a11cl lawful owner of Lhc said Schooner, and Lhat I, the said i\lasler, have power and authorily Lo charge a11d engage Lhc same, as aforesaid, and thal lhc said Schooner shall al all Limes, afler the expiration of the said Lerm of six monlhs, be liable and chargeable for the said sum of four hundred dollars and inleresl as aforesaid, according lo the true inlc11t and meaning of these presenls. In wil11css whereof, I, the said Alexander Henry hereunto set my hand and seal, al Lhe said City of New Orleans, this Twelflh day of May, in the year one Lhousand eighl hundred and thirly six. A Henry In the presence of W. S. Suthron Vincent A. Drouillard [3034) l)·IUSTON lo TRIPLETT]
I , l
New Orleans May 12, J.836.
Dear Sir
I proceeded on after you lefl me al Lynch's ferry lo Natchitoches in order lo see that some arrangements were made for troops coming Lo our reljef by land, but after the glorious battle was gained it altered Lhe face of Lhings much and on my arrivi11g at San August:ine I thot it was my duty lo hasten to Lhis place in order to prevent you from sending a quanlily of supplies lo Natchitoches for the upper rout, Lhc way by sea is now open and the supplies can he got lo our army Lhal way much cheaper, & I hope you will lose no Lime in forwarding such supplies as the army sland i11 need of. Sugar and Coffee arc indispe11sihlc by this time there is none in the country I had expected to have sec11 you h~re and advi,ed with you but my services are nccdtd & ca11not conse·111 lo delay Yoms respectfully &c A. Huston Qr l\lr. Gcnl To Rohl Triplcll Agc11l, New Orleans
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