To all people, lo whom these presents shall come. I, Alexander Henry of the Republic of Texas master of the Schooner called the San Jacinto of the burthen of about eighty seven 75195th Tons, and owned by Peter I. Menard, a citizen of the Municipality of Liberty in the said Republic of Texas, which vessel is now lying in the Port of Orleans, State of Louisiana, United States of America, and bound on a voyage lo Galveston Bay in the said Republic of Texas, send greetings. Whereas I, the said Alexander Henry are necessitated to take up and borrow the sum of four hundred dollars, for the supplying and filling out of the said Schooner, for the said intended voyage and for other voyages which she may make for and during the term of Six Months, and Mess. Thomas Toby and Brother, of the said City of New Orleans. Mercha11ls have lent and advanced unto me, the said Alexander Henry, master, the said sum of Four hundred dollars for the purpose of furnishing and fitting out the said vessel, a:; aforesaid. Now know ye, that I, the said Alexander Henry, do, by these presents, for and on behalf of the said Peter I. Menard, owner as aforesaid, his executors a11d administrators, covenant, grant and agree, lo and with the said Thomas Toby and Brother, that the said Schooner called the San Jacinto, shall, with the first fair wind, set sail and depart, from the said Port of New Orleans, and proceed directly to the said Port of Galveston Bay, and she, the said vessel shall not be employed in any unlawful trade until the said sum so advanced by the said Thomas Toby and Brother, with Interest thereon al the rate of percent annum, shall have been repaid, and 1, the said Alexander Henry, for and in consideration of the said sum of Four hundred dollars· lo me in hand paid by the said Thomas Toby and Brother, at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby as knowledged. do hereby bind and oblige the said Peter I. Menard, his heirs, executors and administrators, his goods and chattel, and paclicularly the said Schooner San Jacinto, together with her tackle apparel and furniture, to pay unto the said Thomas Toby & Brother, their executors, administrators or assigns, the said Sum of Four hundred dollars, with l11terest as aforesaid, within six months from the day of the date hereof a11d
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