Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

(2834] [BURNET to RUSK]

Executive Deparlment, Post Galveston, 23d April, 1836.

To the Hon. Thomas J. Rusk:

Dear Sir: I have appointed Col. W. D. C. Hall acting Secretary of War during your absence. We are woefully in want of efficient officers at this point. Mr. Hardeman and your servant constilute the government, and Lieut. Hunter the commander, and almost the sum total of the little garrison. I devoutly hope that something is being done; that the work may be thoroughly accomplished; that you will be able to make advances upon the enemy; and although he may concentrate his two divisions, that you may be strong enough to meet and conquer them. I send you such supplies as we hear you most want. Others can be had, and will be forwarded as early as we are apprised of your needs. · It is always wise to guard against disasters, even when no disaster is apprehended. Should you be overpowered and see no rational prospect of resisting the overwhelming numbers of the enemy, I would suggest the propriety of the army retiring to this Island and making this important key of Texas the last resort of her brave defenders. Let us sustain this point, if we perish here, in the wreck of Texian independence. Should the army be able to meet the enemy, on something like hopeful terms, the highest exertions of military skill and gallantry will, I doubt not, be brought into exercise, to retrieve our heavy losses and our tarnished honor; and any success that may attend our arms, ought to be promptly and energetically followed up. No rest to the enemy, should be our motto. It is all-important that we be informed of the movements of the army. Leave us not to conjecture. If a retreat be necessary, we can cooperate with you and aid that retreat. Should you advance, we must know where to forward impplies. We send you twenty-nine volunteers under the command of Capt. Graham, arrived on Thursday from New-Orleans. The number we can muster from the Island I have not ascertained, but we will i;end you all we can gel to volunteer. We have some drones in our little hive, that are of liltle use here, and would be no acquii;ition to the


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