obtained, has raised the Credit of the Government and I think there would be no difficulty in raising funds on Land Script but as that authority only Exists with Col Triplet nothing can be clone untill he comes. I have made several purchases on our own responsibility lo aid the opperations of the Government, and hope you will delay no time in causing the funds authorisd to be drawn by 1\Jr 1\lcKinney to be recalld and amount deposited to the Credit of this agency. The last glorious victory over Santa Anas Troops & the capture of Him & his principle officers has created a great deal of speculation. the questions askd, are what will you do with him!! is he safely secured, can he not be rescued by bribery or corruption, my reply is that there is not only too much virtue but too vivid a recollection of the wrongs inflicted on our suffering country to admit a shadow of a doubt that so important a personage will he dealt with according to his deserts, and that his security will not depend on one Two or 200 persons but on the whole people of Texas The Mexican Consul & all Mexican Friends here are not yet satisfied that Santa Ana is taken and large bets have been made on the truth of the reports. We have recd sufficient evidence of the fact but some men will not believe tho' one should rise from the dead. The official account has not yet reached us but we hope you will forward one as soon as possible, I regret that this battle should have cost the life of a single freeman, but they have died in the cause of Liberty & their memories will be held sacred by every Texian. Please present my respects to all Friends particularly Genl Houston who has immortalised himself in his late Victory & deserve the gratitude of our bleeding country I must refer you to the accompanying papers for all the news. Several Families have come here in distress & we have relieved them as far the funds collected for that purpose would admit, many of them will return again soon, I hope, to enjoy peace & tranquility after so much distress Very Respty Your Obt Servt Edward Hall I have furnished Capt Stansbury with some articles for his company of 60 or 70 men who will 1 hope arrive safe & render important services t_o the Country-
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