Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

until a treaty is not only concluded with Mexico, but ratified by the U States; or will another chief arise and say, Santa Anna's party is prostrated and I will assume the command and destroy the Rebels? My reply, Lo these enquiries is that there is virtue and Talent enough in Texas lo secure every advantage that the possession of so notorious a character would enable you to; and that the security of his person will nol be entrusted to one, two or three persons, but to as many as will preclude all possibility of his escape or rescue. The accounts fmm the Army have been brought by so many persons, and with such a variety of versions that the public were slow to believe a11y of them until your letter addressed _lo Col Triplett and myself was received. A great deal of trouble and perplexity would be saved if all official communications were made directly to the Agents from whom the public expect to derive the most authentic accounts; and until al.I the business of the Country is directed to one source, a thousand impositions and irregularities will be experienced. I have enclosed all the Newspapers from which you may gather what the feelings of the people, as well as of the Congress of the United States are towards you With great respect I have the honor to be Your Ob Sert Edwd. Hall, agent P. S. Col. Triplett is hourly expected a11d when he does come I hope every thing will be regulated a11d all supplies immediately forwarded. (3032) (HALL to HARDEMAN]

New Orleans May 12 1836

Bailey Hardaman Esqr Dear Sir

Col Triplet the General Agent has not yet arrived. he expected to be here before me, and what has detained him, I am totally at a loss to conjecture. all my opperations are completely stopd., I told Colo. T. before I left, that in consequence of the Govt having appropriated the funds (deposited here) to McKinneys use the People here was led to believe the Agency had been changed which has had the effect to impair the Credit not only of this Agency hut of the Government, and prevented ~y pur?lrnsing _the supplies so much wanted. The great & glorious victory JUSt


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