Apr 21 1836 to June 3 1836 - PTR, Vol. 6

l 303 lJ [HALL to BURNET]

New Orleans May 12, 1836

President Burnett Dear Sir

I wrote you a few days since 011 the subjecl of your letter of the 29th April; Mr Bryan a11d myself have been slruggli11g under all the difficulties and embarrassments attendenl 011 Lhe peculiarly unfortunate situation of the Country and eve11 in the darkest hours did nol relax our efforts to save it, and now since Lhe sce11e has changed in favor of the Country, a host of Disinterested Friends, have sprung forth with money and means to introduce their 11ames lo the Government. I hope their disinteresledncss will be duly appreciated. In consequence of the absence of Col. Triplett, we have been obliged to conlinue our personal responsibilities for supplies immediately called for by vessels and volunteers, without receiving any aid from persons, who (from motives which may be easily guessed) have direcled it to other channels. We have always applauded and given our aid in all cases (whether for individual or other interests) in forwarding all the assistance to our suffering country and whether our exerlions are appreciated or not, we shall have the satisfaction of knowing that we have done our duty. The transfer of the funds to McKinney has proved most injurious in its consequences and until the Government shall place that money in the hands of the Genl Agent the public will not be satisfied that Toby & Brother are not the Agents for the Government, as has been reported. I hope and beg that no time will be lost in forwarding to Mr Bryan full authority to obtain Lhe Ten Thousand Dollars now stopped in Bank of Orleans. Several families have arrived here in distress and we have relieved Lhem as far as the funds collected for that purpose would admit; and, since Lhere is a prospect of security they will (many of them) return to the cultivation of their farms if after scrutinizing their claims to a reinstatement will prove them worthy. There are numerous speculations as to the disposition of the greal personage of Santa Anna, whose capture must Le beyond a doubt, as the order he made to the balance of his army is received in this City. The question is asked, will you keep him


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