[3025) [EDWARDS to RUSK]
Nacogs 11 May 1836
To the Hon.
Thos. J Rusk. DrSir/
I am happy to Learn of the Glorious defeat of St. Anna and his Army. & regret very much that I had not the honor of being with you, hut circumstances were such that it was Impossible for me to have come at that time I am truly sorry to say that my Health will not admit of my Joining you Ina summer Campaign-- I had a Situation in Capt Smiths Company & would have been on before now If it had not have been for a disturbance Raised by some Individuals of Tenahaw. Capt Braddy al the head- They made use of Some very Rough measures. & threatened to Burn & plunder Nacogdoches- under the plea that all the Inhabitants were Tarries- & had combined with St Anna- They Went So far as to threaten the Life on Col Thorn & other Individuals of this place, & I have no doubt but they would have executed their threats- If they had not found out that it would have been rather an unpopular & dangerous undertaking- y our family were well when I heard from the last.(they are in San Augustine- [illegible] over Col Thorn has Wrote to you for a furlough to go to the U States- If it is possible I wish you would do him the favor to procure it for him- He is very much afflicted with his old disease the Rheumatism at this time & his physicians recommend the Warm Springs- Mr. Carter Sends his respects to you- remember to Teal. Benton and all enquring friends-
Your friend H.H. Edwards
[H. M. Onderdunk, New Orleans, Lo William H. Onderdunk, May 11, 1836, reporting on General Houston's troubles al Harrisburg and on the capture of Santa Anna.]
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